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Break Fast

This is Tim. He's our dear main character.

You'll be controlling him and try to get him to school! He's late as it is and there are so many obstacles between the house and school...

What's this? Oh no! Tim needs to eat first! Can you whip up a nice breakfast for him to eat?

Once you're done eating, you can go on your way! Remember to prepare a really nutritious meal too!

This is Tim. He's our dear main character.

You'll be controlling him and try to get him to school! He's late as it is and there are so many obstacles between the house and school...

What's this? Oh no! Tim needs to eat first! Can you whip up a nice breakfast for him to eat?

Once you're done eating, you can go on your way! Remember to prepare a really nutritious meal too!

Game Trailer:

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